Saturday, March 12, 2011


I decided to read more about jazz. While I have appreciated lots about the sounds and feel of jazz, I have never been an aficionado. So, I thought of doing some research into the origins of jazz. With origins from slavery and persecution, jazz has an amazing history. So, after reading about it today, I took another listen at Chet Baker. How is this not a required part of our educational system? Enjoy:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

First thought (s)...

Metal is one of my favourite genres. Why? To be honest, I am not sure. Maybe it has scared me a lot. Sometimes the sound is so aggressive and the lyrics are offensive. Sometimes it is just a group of scary guys bashing guitars. Other times it is so amazingly poetic. I mean, read Metallica's lyrics on death in "Fade to Black": "Yesterday seems as though It never existed. Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye". Simple words from a heartfelt kid struggling. Cheesy, maybe. Heartfelt, definitely. And then the solo ripping it over top of the melodic rhythm section, WOW!!! Complex, melodic and deftly sincere. You may not like the song, or the band, but I will argue over and over again that there is an emotional component to the song (and the band) that is hard to capture. I would love to know your thoughts on your favourite genres and why.


I have always wanted to start writing my thoughts on music. In particular, music that is not mass produced to appeal to the 'wider demographic'. Music that created movements such as grunge, rock-a-billy, rap... All of these came from the 'street', where experimental sounds spawned a new sub-culture of listeners longing to see others like them.

So, here it is.